Дросел регулируем с обратен клапан за завинтване
Fields of application
- +1. Automotive products
- +2. Electrical drives
- +3. Hydraulic aggregates
- 4. Hydraulic cylinders
- +5. Hydraulic gear pumps and motors
- +6. Hydraulic orbital motors
- -7. Hydraulic valves
- 7.1. Accessories
- 7.2. Cavities and bodies
- 7.3. Directional control valves cetop 3
- 7.4. Directional control valves cetop 5
- 7.5. Directional control valves cetop 7
- ❭ 7.6. Flow control valves
- 7.7. Flow diverter
- 7.8. Modular valves
- 7.9. Monoblock directional control valves
- 7.10. Pressure Control Valves
- 7.11. Proportional valves
- 7.12. Sectional directional control valves
- 7.13. Solenoid cartridge valves
- 7.14. Stackable directional control valves
- 7.15. Subplates and manifolds
- +8. Steed's products